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2 марта 2020 г. 14:20


St. Petersburg filming locations tour

St. Petersburg is a cinema paradise. Popular, even cult movies were shot here and continue to be filmed. The Northern Capital of Russia takes the roles of London, and Paris, and Berlin, and sometimes Moscow. We will tell you about the most interesting film locations in the city.

(Photo: PrtScn video "Anna Karenina")

(Vitebsky Station Zagorodny pr., 52)

 This atmospheric station is still very popular among filmmakers. Movies like "A Railway Station for Two", "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes", "Anna Karenina", "The White Guard", "The Death of an Empire" were shot here. In the cult movie "Brother" protagonist Danila arrives at this station to meet his older brother Viktor Bagrov.

(State Museum of the History of St. Petersburg (Peter and Paul Fortress) Peter and Paul Fortress, 3)

The only scene in the movie "Naval Cadets, Charge!" where you can recognize the sights of St. Petersburg is the scene of the execution of Anna Bestuzheva against the background of the Peter and Paul Fortress. Interesting fact: this fortress also served as a prison; however, executions were never carried out here.

Another movie, where you can see the Peter and Paul Fortress, is "Treasure Island" by Vladimir Vorobyov. The director recreated the look of the English port city of Bristol, adding fake towers with battlements over the walls of the fortress.

(Photo: Alexandr Gluz)

(Gauswald Cottage Bolshaya alley, 12-14)

The building on Kamenny Island, designed in the Art Nouveau style, was often used for filming. You can see it in the movie "Don Cesar de Bazan" in the role of the king's hunting lodge and in the movie "The Bat". But this place became most famous after the shooting of "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson" by Igor Maslennikov: Irene Adler lived in the mansion, according to the script.

(Tolstoy house on Rubinstein Fontanka emb. 54)

The apartment building of Count M.P. Tolstoy on Rubinstein street, built in the style of the northern Art Nouveau, has become the stage for such movies and TV series as "Love and Lies", "Winter Cherry", "Bandit Petersburg", "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson", "Born to a Revolution" and others.

(Photo: PrtScn video "Unbelievable Adventures of Italians in Russia")

(Kazan Cathedral Kazan sq., 2)

Perhaps the most famous movie, where you can see Kazan Cathedral, is "Unbelievable Adventures of Italians in Russia". The cult fight scene takes place near the cathedral, where the cripple, who is played by the actor Evgeny Evstigneev, blows one of the columns with one hit of his healthy leg. A lesser-known movie with the cathedral is "The Prisoner of Chateau d'If". The scene of the masquerade, which according to the script was happening in Rome, was shot in Kazan Cathedral. The director took advantage of the fact that the cathedral was built to resemble St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.

(Leo Tolstoy Square Leo Tolstoy sq.)

The Petrograd Side is one of the most popular districts of St. Petersburg, where many movies were shot and continue to be filmed. Maybe the reason is the proximity of the Lenfilmstudio. One way or another, one of the best romantic movies depicting the Northern capital is "Piter FM". The turning point of the movie, when the female lead loses her phone in the crowd, was filmed in Leo Tolstoy Square, where nowadays there is a large pedestrian flow at the intersections. When Maxim picks up Masha's phone, the house where the Petrogradskaya metro station is located is clearly visible behind him.

(Photo: PrtScn video "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!")

(Pulkovo Pulkovskoy eshosse, 41)

Not only the historical center of St. Petersburg is used in movies. In the film "Autumn Marathon" by Georgiy Daneliya, the protagonist Andrey Buzykin travels to Pulkovo to see off his daughter with her husband. Perhaps, the most famous movie depicting the Petersburg airport terminal is the film by Eldar Ryazanov, "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!". To shoot the scene at the Leningrad airport, the Moscow-based filmmakers really flew to Pulkovo. It is interesting that the movie shows the taxi stand right next to the airstrip. The situation is unimaginable from the point of view of modern air security rules.

(Peterhof Razvodnaya st., 2)

The Great Peterhof Palace is still a popular filming location for historical movies. In the movie "Musketeers Twenty Years Later" by G. Yungwald-Khilkevich, the small palaces in the Lower Park of Peterhof, the Hermitage and the Marly, are used as French castles. The Soviet musical comedy with Andrey Mironov, Alisa Freindlich and Igor Kvasha was filmed mostly in the Estonian city of Tartu, but the scene in the garden of the baroness was shot in the suburb of Petersburg - in Peterhof, near the Big Greenhouse. It is here where the guests of the baroness are dancing near the Orangery Fountain in anticipation of the performance of the Bologna nightingale.

(Photo: PrtScn video ""War and Peace")

(Tsarskoye Selo Pushkin, Sadovaya st., 7)

Tsarskoye Selo is a location for more than 40 Russian and foreign films. In the Catherine Palace in Tsarskoye Selo, the imperial ball scene was shot in the movie "War and Peace" by Sergey Bondarchukas well as in the British series of the same name from BBC. In the movie "Anna Karenina" by Sergey Solovyov there is a complicated scene of horse racing, which was filmed in four days also in Tsarskoye Selo.

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