04 марта 2020 01:05      4970

How to get to Vyborg from St. Petersburg

Vyborg is one of the most beautiful and oldest cities in Russia. It is interesting that in the XIII century it was founded by the Swedes, who captured part of Western Karelia. Today, while walking along the city streets, you can see the Vyborg Castle and houses that have preserved medieval charm. About 300 attractions help you immerse yourself in an amazing atmosphere. Thousands of tourists come here to get into the time machine.
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(Photo: Wikipedia)

There are many ways to get to the city: by commuter rail and train, car and regular bus / minibus. Choose the type of transport you like and come for the new experiences.


The distance between St. Petersburg and Vyborg is about 140 kilometers along the WHSD (toll highway). The road will take an average of 2.5 hours. It should be mentioned that the road to this city lies through some picturesque places. You will see endless fields and forests, winding rivers, miniature churches – beautiful and relaxing scenery.

Bus / minibus

If there is no option or desire to go by car, you can get there by public transport. Bus №850 departs from Parnas metro station. The first transport starts departing towards Vyborg at 7 o'clock in the morning, traffic interval is about 30 minutes. The fare is 260 rubles + about 40 rubles for luggage. If there are no traffic jams or bad weather conditions, you will arrive at the destination in 2 hours.

(Photo: Wikipedia)

Rail transport

The high-speed Lastochka goes from St. Petersburg to Vyborg on weekdays and weekends since 2015. It departs from Finlyandsky Station. The cost is a little more than 300 rubles. Arrive with comfort in just 1 hour 15 minutes. You can take your pet with you to walk with it in the parks of Vyborg.

The Leo Tolstoy train (Moscow-Helsinki) departs from Ladozhsky station. There are also trains on the route St. Petersburg – Helsinki departing from Finlyandsky station several times a day. The cost is much higher compared to commuter trains - starting from 2,000 rubles. Travel time is about 2 hours.

You can check the transport schedule and buy tickets on the Russian Railways official website, on the public urban transport site, or on Yandex.Schedule. Have a nice trip!

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