04 марта 2020 00:57      3963

How to get to Sestroretsk from St. Petersburg

Sestroretsk is justly considered a resort. There are health resorts where you can improve your health with healing mud and mineral waters. Hundreds of people come to the large Laskovy beach in the summer to play volleyball and bask in the sun.
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(Photo: Wikipedia)

Satirist Mikhail Zoshchenko lived in Sestroretsk for many years; a monument to the writer is installed on the Gagarinskaya embankment. For the history lovers, the museum complex Lenin's Hut in Razliv will be interesting. If you just want to take a break from the bustling Petersburg, visit the huge Dubki park.


The distance from St. Petersburg to Sestroretsk is about 35 kilometers. The road will take 45 minutes. You can drive either on the toll road of the WHSD or Primorskoye Shosse.

Rail transport

Trains leave from Finlyandsky Station daily with the traffic interval of 60-90 minutes. Ticket price is 75 rubles. You will reach Sestroretsk in about an hour.

You can catch the train at the Staraya Derevnya metro station (a 3 minutes' walk to the railway station), as well as 10 minutes from the Pionerskaya station.

(Photo: Wikipedia)

Bus / minibus

The fare is from 55 to 120 rubles. The following options are available:

• Staraya Derevnya metro station - bus №216, minibus №305;
• Chyornaya Rechka metro station - bus №211, minibus №425 and №417;
• Parnas metro station - minibus №600;
• Lenin Square metro station - minibus №400.
• Grazhdansky Prospekt and Prospekt Prosvescheniya metro stations - minibus №827.

You can check the transport schedule and buy tickets on the Russian Railways official website, on the public urban transport site, or on Yandex.Schedule. Have a nice trip!

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