04 марта 2020 00:48      4228

How to get to Kronstadt from St. Petersburg

Kronstadt was the main defender from the sea enemy attacks. Peter I built his first fleet here. Now Kronstadt is a trading port; sailors repair ships, teach seamanship. One of the main attractions is the St. Nicholas Naval Cathedral. People come here to ask for blessings before going on a cruise.
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(Photo: pixabay.com)

The Makarov Bridge, which was built specially for Nicholas II, is preserved in Kronstadt. You can also look at the monument to the mess tin.According to the legend, the Swedes when saw Peter I, threw their tins with hot food and retreated.


The distance from St. Petersburg to Kronstadtis about 50 kilometers. You need to go on the Ring Motorway. If there are no traffic jams, you will reach the port city in about an hour.

Bus / minibus

The fare is about 55-100 rubles; traffic interval - 15-20 minutes. From the northern part of St. Petersburg transport departs from 3 metro stations:

• Staraya Derevnya metro station - bus №101;
• Chyornaya Rechka metro station - minibus №405;
• Prospekt Prosvescheniya metro station - minibus №407.

From the city of Lomonosov to Kronstadt goes a bus №175. The wait is 20-30 minutes; the fare is 55 rubles.

Bus №215 departs from Sestroretsk (stop "City Hospital №40"); sometimes you have to wait for 2.5 hours. Ticket price - 110 rubles.

You can check the transport schedule and buy tickets on the Russian Railways official website, on the public urban transport site, or on Yandex.Schedule. Have a nice trip!

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